Top CarnoSyn Formulations Questions

Top CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine Formulating Questions

Every athlete, from the fitness enthusiast to the professional, stands united in a common goal: gaining an edge on peak performance. Whether it’s an Olympic qualifying tournament or a garage gym workout, having the right fuel can make all the difference. Top sports nutrition formulas also have something in common: their leading ingredient is beta-alanine. For nutrition brands seeking the ultimate edge, here are answers to your top CarnoSyn® beta-alanine formulating questions.

Patented Edge. Why CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine vs. Generic?

The top names in sports nutrition carefully select branded ingredients to achieve the highest quality and co-branded marketing support. Generic beta-alanine is not backed by science, nor protected by trademark registration. Manufacturers often claim their products have the same chemical structure identification, purity, and even the benefit; however, those claims are not backed by the FDA for process and purity, nor supported with science. 

Scientifically Proven Edge. What Research Support Does CarnoSyn® Brands Provide?

CarnoSyn® is the only scientifically proven and globally patented beta-alanine. CarnoSyn® obtained New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) status from the FDA and is self-affirmed Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). No other beta-alanine on the market has received these certifications.

The patented use of CarnoSyn® has led to significant advancements in muscle performance technology. Over 55 clinical studies support the athletic performance benefits of CarnoSyn® beta-alanine. CarnoSyn®  doesn’t just claim to build muscle faster, extend endurance, enhance mental focus, and speed recovery time–it proves it. 

Potency Edge. What is CarnoSyn®’s Potency And Purity?

For the most effective dosage, potency is key. When it comes to optimal formulation, purity is critical in maintaining all regulatory compliance. CarnoSyn® is patented, pure, and banned substance-free. Certified by national and international agencies to be safe and effective, CarnoSyn® has invested many years and millions of dollars in scientific research and stringent quality control. 

In fact, CarnoSyn® is not on the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) or any prohibited lists. CarnoSyn® beta-alanine is vegan, non-GMO and gluten free. 

Formulation Edge. Is CarnoSyn® Easy To Formulate With Other Ingredients?

When it comes to formulating beta-alanine with other ingredients, the key factors are stability and particle size distribution. CarnoSyn® beta-alanine is stable and has a long shelf life proven in both real-time and accelerated conditions. The particle size distribution is suitable for most powder formulations. The high solubility and heat stability makes beverage and gummy formulation possible as well.

Dosing Edge. What Is The Efficacious Dosing Of CarnoSyn® And SR CarnoSyn®?

Athletes and sports nutrition brands often ask how much beta-alanine should go into their formulations. To obtain the full benefits as supported by over 55 scientific studies, 3.2g–6.4g of beta-alanine should be consumed daily for at least 28 days. 

CarnoSyn® beta-alanine is available in two different forms—instant release and sustained release. SR CarnoSyn® offers the same benefits as instant release CarnoSyn®, but in an advanced delivery system, which allows for increased dosing and faster results, with less incidence of paresthesia.

Formulating tip: Stack dosing by using a combination of instant release and sustained release for higher quantities of beta-alanine and even more performance gains.CarnoSyn® provides brand partners with a true product differentiator: a science-backed ingredient that delivers real results.

Learn more about the benefits of adding proven performance to your product.